Mitchell Cane blames his mother for his love of reading and writing.
Growing up, she read him countless books, from fairy tales to historical fiction, and took him to the library weekly. Somewhere along the way, the value of a good story conveyed by a carefully curated selection of words that titillate the imagination and bring the characters to life must have struck a chord.
An avid reader, he read the Lord of the Rings in fourth grade and never looked back. Today, he continues to consume at least couple of books a week. His tastes include traditional fantasy, urban fantasy, science fiction, mysteries, and thrillers.
Mitch started banging out his own stories on an old Smith Corona typewriter around sixth grade, a hobby that persists today, albeit with better equipment. He often writes late at night, after his work is done, and his wife is asleep.
Having been told that creative writing doesn’t pay the bills, Mitch got a degree in journalism and after more than a few bylines, he has returned to the format he enjoys writing most: the novel. He has worked for daily newspapers and has been published in magazines and trade journals under another name. He spent some time on the dark side, writing speeches, scripts, press releases and producing collateral material for Corporate America.
When he is not writing, Mitch enjoys making his wife laugh, teasing her cat, talking to other writers, tweeting, and formulating countless stories in his head. Some of the better ones eventually escape and find their way onto the page.